Wednesday, 17 October 2007

The Controlled Demolition of the Federal Reserve PRIVATE Bank

(By Adam Ghaznavi)


The entire USA political economic position is based on the Petrodollar...

(Itself the geo strategic extension of the Federal Reserve a PRIVATE bank controlled by a Rothschilds led cabal that prints fiat currency it then lends the USA govt which then raises taxes to pay said loans. See the JFK LIBRARY link:
“On June 4, 1963 President Kennedy signed this virtually unknown Presidential decree, which had the authority to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest, essentially putting the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank out of business. The order returned to the federal government, specifically the Treasury Department, the Constitutional power to create and issue currency without going through the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. President Johnson reversed the order shortly after taking office in November, 1963. Some conspiracy theorists believe this executive order was the cause of President Kennedy's assassination.”)

...The secret agreement brokered by Kissinger (when the USA fell off the gold standard in 1971) in 1973 with the Saudis (as swing producer able to flood the market & destroy any state defying their policy) that ALL oil be sold in $. THIS preserved the $ status as global reserve currency & gave the USA an unlimited credit card, enabling it to pass off the costs of its institutionalised hyperinflation ($9Trillion nat debt, $60Trillion accumalated other liabilities as per brookings institute estimates & the $415Trillion derivatives pyramid – according to Bank of International Settlements estimates) onto other states just by PRINTING $ & fund the army required to protect the petrodollar (costing more than the rest of the planet's put together) via the same printing press. THIS is how the cold war was ‘won’, by bankrupting the USSR, by bankrupting the world.

THIS is why old soviet central Asia, Iraq & Eastern Europe are ringed with an arc of USA bases. To keep the oil/ gas sold in $ & help subvert any govt (eg Putin's who sells his oil in Roubles) not complying.

THIS is why Saddam Hussein was deposed, because he sold his oil in Euros, making 17% more on his deals than his neighbours. THIS is why the Iranians are being targeted by USA naval nuclear build up, because they are opening up a non $ oil bourse. THIS is why even Chavez was subject to coup attempt in 2002, because he switched to Euros.

THIS is why Putin is being subject to assassination plots & attempts to overthrow him (with Berezovsky as focal point of the plot - encompassing petrodollar fiends, dispossessed oligarchs, neo cons & shadowy finance, think Jacob Rothschild, friend of Mikhail Khordokhovsky who also purchased this so called 'political prisoner's' shares in Yukos ), becase Putin switched from $ to demanding payment in Roubles. THIS is WHY the $ is finally dying.

& why the regime has no choice but to give away California for Anbar province to keep the psycho political focus of its own people divided to retain operational control of the geo strategic pol/econ agenda; hence the orthodox left in backing unrestrained migration functions as the tragic internal prop to hyperfascism.

Eg even Zbigniew Brzezinski...

(architect of Operation Cyclone , entailing the arming of Jihadis to draw the USSR into invading Afghanistan out of fear of having its central Asian missile bases over-run by Jihadis… Eg USA petrodollar regime allied themselves with Saudi monarchy, who as custodians of Mecca had to cover themselves from the threat of leftist or Islamic fascist jihadi convergence; & allied themselves with the most reactionary fascist forces by giving them vast amounts of danegeld to make trouble elsewhere. ESPECIALLY Pakistan. Eg from where, Zbigniew Brzezinski [pictured at bottom of link with Osama Bin Laden]...
...orchestrated the development of the mujahadeen including one Osama Bin Laden, to draw the Russians into invading out of fear of their central Asian missile bases being over-run with jihadis)

...warned the Senate Foreign relations Committee in Feb 2007...
...of the threat of Gulf of Tonkin II/ strategy of tension ops which would then be blamed on Iran leading to a nuclear strike on Iran (leading also to war against Pakistan & Russia). Which would then be blamed on Iran/ Pakistan leading to a nuclear strike on Iran/ Pakistan leading also to war against Pakistan & Russia...

Which would then be used as the pretext to blame the crash of the $ on `terrorism’, bring in the North American Union & the `Amero’, preserve the link between this global reserve currency & oil & write of a shedload of USA debts in the process; all at the point of a smoking USA nuclear sixshooter. The idea being that the NAU will both provide a massive influx of cannon fodder to leverage the power of the hyperfascist cabal AND enable said cabal to portray the white working/ middle classes as `not pulling their weight’ in `the war on terror’, enabling their draft/ internment under the aegis of Mexican Zetas.


Lieberman/ Kyl courtesy of an obscure ammendment to a defense funding bill...,2933,298157,00.html
...have given the Fed Reserve (PRIVATE) Bank regime a pretext for the iran war. It has already passed 76-22 in the Senate. By declaring the Iranian Revolutionary Guards a global terrorist organisation, conventional bombing of the IRG in Iran by USA would create a narrative pretext for a strategy of tension nuclear terror op/ atrocity within the USA to pave the way for the nuking of Iran/ Pakistan (& even Russia etc) & bring in the Amero/ North American Union at the point of a smoking nuclear sixshooter...

Pop Quiz:

So, given the above…

WHO had the Means, Motive AND Opportunity to acquire the missing (& hard to maintain) Russian nuclear suitcase bombs?
(General Alexander Lebed reported this in 1997 & was accused of treason by the comprador regime. Putin was asked a Q about same & said none had gone missing `on his watch’)

Bin Laden & his Kosher sidekick Adam Gadahn (AKA Adam Pearlman – grandson of board member of the Anti Defamation League - ADL)?

Or the Rothschilds (Jacob Rothschild is a friend of Mikhail Khordokhovsky & also purchased this so called 'political prisoner's' shares in Yukos ) / Berezovsky – who actually ran Russia through their puppet Yeltsin following the collapse of the USSR (see the Petrodollar, Brzezinski/ Operation Cyclone/ Bin Laden) in the pre Putin era?

WHAT can YOU do Next?

The greatest lie from which all others proceed (including the Petrodollar, the Plunge Protection Team & the entire war agenda to prop up the petrodollar/ establish the Amero at the point of a nuclear sixshooter), is that the (94 year old) Federal Reserve is a Govt institution. But the truth about the Fed being a PRIVATE Bank seems so unbelievable, most people won't even consider the idea (I used to regard anyone suggesting it was a PRIVATE bank as kooks in the same league as crop circle fanatics); which is why the JFK LIBRARY link on Executive Order 11110 so vital.

Spread this link to everyone you can, as gold standard proof that the Fed is a PRIVATE Bank, & encourage them to do likewise. This will do more than anything else to prove the purpose of the Petrodollar/ Petro Amero wars & therefore (by insuring blowback for the apex) help split the ruling elite long enough for the Petrodollar to crash (in linear fashion) of its own accord.

For much more info on (the Post Petrodollar epoch &), the Controlled Demolition of the Petrodollar Imperium

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.