The problems facing Pakistan (aside from its’ being cursed by political geography, with a much more powerful neighbour to its east & the ultimate geo strategic vortex to its northwest, so that the army was predestined to play a top heavy role in the nations’ political economy) are largely rooted in the role of the aforementioned Diabolical Trinity…
(eg whereby USA petrodollar regime allied themselves with Saudi monarchy, who as custodians of Mecca had to cover themselves from the threat of leftist or Islamic fascist jihadi convergence; & allied themselves with the most reactionary fascist forces by giving them vast amounts of danegeld to make trouble elsewhere. ESPECIALLY Pakistan. Eg from where, Zbigniew Brzezinski [pictured at bottom of link with Osama Bin Laden]…
…orchestrated the development of the mujahadeen including one Osama Bin Laden, to draw the Russians into invading out of fear of their central Asian missile bases being over-run with jihadis)
…& above all, in the fact that people world wide, but especially in the west are ignorant of the defining factors of its own history/ present vis the Fed Reserve PRIVATE Bank/ Petrodollar/ Plunge Protection Team
(confession: I only learnt about the second in December 2005, aged 37, the first in August 2006 & the third a little while after the first. Aside from the media lockdown on these subjects, main reason being, I regarded a conspiracy centric approach as being far too crude, not taking into account the sweep of 4 billion years of earth evolution, whereby intelligent life with the capacity to become god emerged as an independent entityt from pondscum & thence became enslaved by the first great machine it ever created, the 10,000 year old war/ finance nexus. Such seemed hopelessly reductive. But as elaborated earlier in `The 4 billion year mindset’ a currency centric approach enables you to reconcile the organic dynamic of history WITH the conspiratorial. For here the 2 naturally converge.)
…& most are simply not interested until the chaos hits them.
So by default they accept the judgements of the prevailing powers that have saddled Pakistan with the (Islamic fascist) fallout of their petrodollar policy policy.
In the context of such global insanity it is suicide to accept the terms of debate predetermined by delusions in the fiat currency system/ Petrodollar/ Plunge Protection Team
(based also on the spreading of depleted uranium with a half life of 4 billion years over my ancestral kith & kin in Afghanistan
– to secure the oil/ gas of central Asia/ destabilise Russia; to enable the Federal Reserve PRIVATE Bank cabal to prop up their worthless fiat currency via the petrodollar/ petro Amero with other nations' resources)
Yet this is precisely what most people, that deep down know better, persist in doing for want of any coherent options.
Hence the default support of most of such for Benazir `Orange Revolution’ Bhutto...
(of Rothschild/ Berezovsky. Berezovsky wants "orange revolution" money back from Ukraine he is suing the recipients through the UK courts because they did not adequately grab their ankles afterwards...This is not a one-off, he always treats our courts this way:Battle of the billionaires: Berezovsky to sue Abramovich in British courts he claims he did not get the full market value for the resources he stole from the Russian people when Putin forced Berezovsky to sell to Abramovich - before in turn encouraging Abramovich to sell up on more favorable terms - rather than risk his ire later on)
...who has supported US backed attacks inside Pakistan such as those advocated by arch neo con William Kristol,prtpage-1.cms
and executed by Unocal puppet Karzai Even though many of such know perfectly well that this will lead to a catastrophic intensification of the situation in Pakistan – giving the pretext to nuke Pakistan in the name of `global security’…
…which just so happens to give them the pretext to try to bring in the North American Union & the `Amero’, preserve the link between this global reserve currency & oil & write of a shedload of USA debts in the process; all at the point of a smoking USA nuclear sixshooter. The idea being that the NAU will both provide a massive influx of cannon fodder to leverage the power of the hyperfascist cabal AND enable said cabal to portray the white working/ middle classes as `not pulling their weight’ in `the war on terror’, enabling their draft/ internment under the aegis of Mexican Zetas.
So what is required is a practical gameplan.
We have certain advantages. The regime is going to die. The centre cannot hold, not even on the basis of its dlusional strategy.
We need therefore for Musharraf to hold on for just long enough for the fiat currency imperium to crash.
Enabling Post crash establishment of the common ownership of info (every 3rd world peasant to have access to every book ever written on a wind up wifi laptop from MIT) in exchange for the oil remaining on long enough to effect the transition to solar powered microgeneration (without the oil the info is lost, without the info the oil is worthless) - effecting the substantive sovereignty of the individual - eg enabling people pool such to effect control of the energy sector & through such the banking system, via their energy based (as gold is inherently deflationary & no one will accept fiat)currencies
Meyer Rothschild: `Give me control of a nations' currency & I care not who writes its laws'.
…every mini powerstation thence becomes a community controlled bank, another rampart against the re-emergence of fiat currency barons, energy magnates & their secureaucratic hoods…
Of course as this means emergent equality & equality as an end in itself is self evidently the most unviable of all systems (reduced to a nihilistic nitpicking of differences, without any buffering to allow for fluctuating secondary inequality), to stabilise this, we need a grand overarching (written) constitutional vision, that of intelligent life gaining mastery over its own time in order to gain (the knowledge to gain) mastery over the unwritten cosmological constitution of god's time, become our cosmic parents & visit the same crap on the next cosmic generation…
…to avoid being destroyed by our own creation…
BUT all this is contingent upon a LINEAR collapse of the Federal Reserve PRIVATE Bank cabal/ Petrodollar Imperium; avoiding nuclear war. Or else the consequent desensitisation of the entire human race, will cause humanity to resign itself to a descent into oblivion without an intellectual or spiritual fight, squandering 4 billion years of earth evolution & potential.
We need therefore to bridge the gap between Musharraf’s diminishing capacity to remain in power and the crash of the imperium.
& the way we do this is by spreading/ popularising the JFK LIBRARY link
Executive Order 11110:
“On June 4, 1963 President Kennedy signed this virtually unknown Presidential decree, which had the authority to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest, essentially putting the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank out of business. The order returned to the federal government, specifically the Treasury Department, the Constitutional power to create and issue currency without going through the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. President Johnson reversed the order shortly after taking office in November, 1963. Some conspiracy theorists believe this executive order was the cause of President Kennedy's assassination.”)
To strike at the root of the petrodollar wars, by focussing attention on the elite fiat currency cabals; to effect a reverse cluster f*ck, to counter the growth of an apocalyptic core capable of executing said objectives that would provide it with thepretext to nuke Pakistan – for just long enough to effect a controlled demolition of the Petrodollar Imperium.
By definition therefore, if we succeed, it will be a damn near run thing.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
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