Wednesday, 7 November 2007

For Israel, Iran is Not Enough

The collapse of the Petrodollar…

(Itself the geo strategic extension of the Federal Reserve a PRIVATE bank controlled by a Rothschilds led cabal that prints fiat currency it then lends the USA govt which then raises taxes to pay said loans. Eg:
“On June 4, 1963 President Kennedy signed this virtually unknown Presidential decree, which had the authority to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest, essentially putting the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank out of business. The order returned to the federal government, specifically the Treasury Department, the Constitutional power to create and issue currency without going through the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. President Johnson reversed the order shortly after taking office in November, 1963. Some conspiracy theorists believe this executive order was the cause of President Kennedy's assassination.”)

…is now so far advanced, that it is becoming obvious that a pretext for war against Iran is desired to bring in the (Petro) Amero/ North American Union at the point of a smoking nuclear sixshooter – to attempt to enable a shedload of debts to be written off, acquire vast source of cannon fodder for more Petro Amero wars & enable the use of Mexican Zetas to round up white USA citizens `not pulling their weight’ in `the war on terror’.
Even to many sceptical of the warnings of yours truly et al, it will certainly become obvious, when the Fed Reserve cabal actually attempt to execute such.

Which is why they have adopted a 2 pronged strategy of conceptual escalation to try to establish the pretext for overt nuclear tyranny; to control the oil/ gas of the whole world to prop up the new fiat currency at the point of a smoking nuclear sixshooter.


(plagued by the fallout from the petrodollar alliance whereby USA petrodollar regime allied themselves with Saudi monarchy, who as custodians of Mecca had to cover themselves from the threat of leftist or Islamic fascist jihadi convergence; & allied themselves with the most reactionary fascist forces by giving them vast amounts of danegeld to make trouble elsewhere. ESPECIALLY Pakistan. Eg from where, Zbigniew Brzezinski [pictured at bottom of link with Osama Bin Laden]…
…orchestrated the development of the mujahadeen including one Osama Bin Laden, to draw the Russians into invading out of fear of their central Asian missile bases being over-run with jihadis)

…is being deliberately destabilised…

As per the recipe of notorious arch neo con William Kristol

…via puppet Afghan forces’…

…using their puppet (ex UNOCAL employee ) Karzai…

(pre & post 9/11, the USA regime sought control of Afghanistan as both a transit point of central Asian oil & gas AND as a panoptician from which to control the region especially to connect to bases in central Asia. To determine who gets how much oil/ gas, the better to enable USA to prop up the petrodollar.
It was either go for broke by trying to corner the whole worlds’ oil & gas to prop up their hyperinflated fiat currency a bit longer; or accept the crash of the imperium. & this useless & crazy overclass were always going to opt for the former…
This plan is in shreds as the fear of USA evaporates in Iraq, causing the central Asian strongmen to in turn turf out the USA bases & establish an alliance with Putin – hence also USA regime hostility/ desperation to remove Putin )

…as their lever against Musharraf

…strike on the Taliban inside Pakistan 26 August 2007 The obvious purpose being to create a fury that will lead to the overthrow of Musharraf, which will give the USA the pretext to nuke Pakistan... bring in the Amero/ NAU at the point of a smoking nuclear sixshooter...
Correspondingly, the destabilising role of Benazir `orange revolution’ Bhutto, in advocating a more stridently pro USA regime policy (eg as Musharraf’s unpopularity stems from his being seen as too close to the USA & Bhutto’s popularity stems solely from the fact that she is not General Musharraf; her role is singularly incendiary in its aspect) has compelled General Musharraf to implement emergency rule.

The purpose being to enable the fiat currency cabal to claim to be saving humanity form the instability it engineered itself. Furthermore, as it is BOTH less obviously a Petrodollar war than the Iran war, AND would explode in response to the Iran war anyway, the fiat currency regime has decided to prime Pakistan for destruction first. It is also hoped that this would give Israel an incredible opportunity to make a gigantic land grab in the mideast for the oilfields of Saudi Arabia, under cover of the USA nuclear sixshooter.

Breeching the Nuclear Threshold

We know Israel was banging on about a Syrian nuclear reactor, built by the DPRK.

We know that the alledged reactor (or giant outhouse) was utterly destroyed in an airstrike 6 September 2007.

Map of the area targeted (North East Syria)
as far from Israel as possible, without being too close to either Iraq or Turkey.

The following deliberately garbled/ laundered account is from the Jpost website.
“The September 6 raid over Syria was carried out by the US Air Force, the Al-Jazeera Web site reported Friday. The Web site quoted Israeli and Arab sources as saying that two US jets armed with tactical nuclear weapons carried out an attack on a suspected nuclear site under construction.
The sources were quoted as saying that Israeli F-15 and F-16 jets provided cover for the US planes.
The sources added that each US plane carried one tactical nuclear weapon and that the site was hit by one bomb and was totally destroyed.”

If this sounds singularly unimpressive as a piece of sourced info, this is because of the reason for its deployment & concerns about the consequences of such. To optimise the benefits & minimise the potential backdraft.

Eg this looks like an Israeli tactical mini/ micro nuke with the USAF airforce retrospectively agreeing to cover their arse.

Saying the USAF did this (& it makes absolutely no difference if this was a reactor, unlikely; or a giant water closet; though Israeli intel outlets such as had been banging on about Syrian nuclear reactor built by North Korea) is NOT the same as claiming the Iranians are making Jews wear yellow stars (as the Jpost had notoriously claimed last year). Eg if the USAF don't co-operate, Israel has a problem.

Eg this had more or less passed out of the news. It was no longer an immediately hot issue.

It is NOW claimed the planes were carrying nuclear weapons. Presumably mini or micro nukes…

The W48 was an American Nuclear artillery shell, fired from a standard 155 mm (6.1 inch) howitzer. It was manufactured starting in 1963, and all units were retired in 1992.
The W48 is 6.1 inches (155 mm) in diameter and 33.3 inches long. It came in two models, Mod 0 and Mod 1, which are reported to have weighed 118 and 128 pounds respectively. It had an explosive yield equal to 72 tons of TNT (0.072 kiloton – Hiroshima bomb was 15 Kilotons).

…specifically designed for the purpose, with minimum residual radiation

Minimum Residual Radiation (MRR) Weapons

Eg the main reason for the MOAB/ MOP conventional bombs, is to blur the distinction between nuclear & conventional weapons (the B52 needed to be reconfigured to carry the 17 ton MOP) to make the use of mini nukes acceptable; then when the principle has been breached, the use of 5 kiloton nukes & so on & so forth.

This is a very serious claim.

& the claim so long AFTER the event, reminds me of Dick Cheney's curious harping on about `If Israel attacks Iran, the USA will come to Israel's aid'.

Curious, because (despite the rhetoric) Israel would self evidently NOT want to do so first, because of the obvious problem that it would be isolated & the Iran war seen clearly as an Israeli/ Jewish war.

So this would be the OPTIMAL minimalist way to breech the nuclear threshold (AND have the USA take responsibility for such) & in then revealing this info so long AFTER the event, when all has gone cold (so no immediate anti jewish riots etc), raises the Q (most specifically to anti neo con activists), `And WHAT are you going to DO about it?'. Eg the enemy has the psycho political advantage.

WHY NO immediate reaction at the time?

Because as Syria is Iran's ally, the only possible reaction is immediate all out total war. So everyone had an interest in keeping schtum about this. The Syrians, Iranians, Russians & the USA/ Israelis ain't gonna say much.

So, what we have with such a claim, is the breech of the nuclear threshold, which implicates the resistance to Israeli led USA policy in a psycho political culture of (defeatist) complicity if it evades/ does not pursue this issue – at least to the degree required to counter even exploit any enemy attempt to generate such a culture of complicity - to generate a corresponding feedback loop; to insure that the Israeli core criminals responsible for such an action (or even just the psyop claim) become so politically triangulated, that they will bring utter destruction upon themselves (in accordance with the principle of Deterrence Through Mutually Assured Destruction) if Pakistan is nuked (after having been destabilised by those carrying out the orders of AIPAC) to try to bring in the Amero at the point of a nuclear sixshooter/ so enable Israeli expansionism.

Friday, 2 November 2007

Armageddon Running Commentary

I am issuing a Cat 6 AAWWOOOOOGGAAA alert, with men in orange boiler suits rushing about all over the place:

1) Current (as at 11pm GMT 1 November 07) BBC World Service propaganda about `the surge working'; is intended to pave the way for the claim that Iran is behind a coming mass casualty incident vis USA troops.

2) USA attacks Iranian Revolutionary Guards positions as per provisions of the Kyl/ Lieberman ammendment,2933,298157,00.html

Lieberman/ Kyl courtesy of an obscure ammendment to a defense funding bill......have given the Fed Reserve (PRIVATE) Bank regime a pretext for the iran war. It passed 76-22 in the Senate. By declaring the Iranian Revolutionary Guards a global terrorist organisation, conventional bombing of the IRG in Iran by USA would create a narrative pretext for a strategy of tension nuclear terror op/ atrocity within the USA to pave the way for the nuking of Iran/ Pakistan (& even Russia etc) & bring in the Amero/ North American Union at the point of a smoking nuclear sixshooter...

3) So called `Al Qaeda' cyber atacks
by the regime's meg bot machine
...will provide (dual purpose) cover for a:

4) Grand Strategy of Tension nuclear atrocityinside either USA or UK to provide pretext for:

5) Nuclear strikes against Iran/ Pakistan - to attempt to bring in the North American Union/ Amero at the point of a smoking nuclear sixshooter. To enable the Fed Reserve cabal to write off a shedload of debts, provide much more cannon fodder for more Petro Amero wars & to enable the use of mexican Zetas to round of white USA citizens `not pulling their weight' in `the war on terror'.